FBHS Health Office

Direct phone number:  961-3705

Parents / Guardians - Cell Phone Tip!!  Include FBHS 961-2880 in your phone contacts so we can reach you when needed.

Form below for Meds at School

Doctor's signed form required 

to take medicine at school!

Students needing to take medications while at school (both over-the-counter and prescription) must have a MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION PERMISSION form on file in the Health Office.


MedPermissionForm English.pdf


MedPermissionForm, Spanish V2.pdf

Not Feeling Well?

In order to provide the healthiest possible environment for all students and staff at our school, we will use the following guidelines for sending all ill students home from school. Ill students, except in cases of extreme emergency, may not remain at school for more than one period.  Please use the same guidelines when deciding if your student should stay home from school.

If your student becomes ill at school, we will attempt to notify you. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to notify one of the other people listed on your child's emergency card. It is extremely important that the information on the emergency card be kept up-to-date. Transportation home is the responsibility of the parent or caretaker, not the school. 

If your student has been ill, please be sure that she/he has completely recovered before returning to school. In the case of serious illness or injury, the school may require information from your medical care provider. The California State Department of Education requires that we verify the reason for a student's absence. Please send an explanatory note to school with your student within three days of any absence.

We appreciate parent cooperation with the above as we try to keep school a healthy place for all.